
After finishing his education as a carpenter, Ulli Herrmann visited the masterschool in order to make his examination for master craftsman's diploma. During all this time he got a substantial and specific knowledge about the material wood. As a young carpenter master, Ulli Herrmann worked many years as a Manager in a Lumber company. At this time he learned all about the rules of international Trading.

1999 Ulli Herrmann moved to the US and worked several years as the General Manager in a log company. Since this time he has direct contacts to Loggers and is well established in the US log business.

Back in Germany Ulli Herrmann founded in 2002 his own company LOG & LUMBER TRADING.

Not only because of his knowledge regarding Lumber and Logs, also because of his experience in working with wood during his education, Ulli Herrmann created a base of trust, confidence and dependability between him, his suppliers and his customers.